Frequently Asked Questions
Our minimum order quantities typically start at 10 to 25 items per style and color-way. This applies to most items with basic fabrics, colors, and prints. Items with unique or specialty fabrics may have higher minimums due to availability and manufacturing complexity.
Yes, we do.
We do not offer free samples because the sampling process often involves significant expenses. For example, costs may include metal molds, size grading patterns, printing screens, digital printing, and other intricate processes.
We highly recommend making at least one prototype or pre-production sample before starting full production. In some cases, such as technical outerwear, multiple prototypes may be necessary. Prototypes are for fit and build purposes only and may not include branding or the exact fabrics and colors of the final production pieces. Prototypes are generally partially or fully refundable upon completion of a production order. The estimated timeframe for initial prototype production is 8 weeks. Salesman samples, which match the exact specifications of your production run, including all fabrics and embellishments, are also available and take approximately 8-12 weeks to produce. Please contact us for inquiries and pricing.
The items displayed on our website are intended to demonstrate the range of products we can manufacture. Our capabilities extend beyond these examples, allowing us to produce almost any product within the main categories shown. We enjoy collaborating with brands to develop new products, so please contact us to discuss your specific requirements and ideas.
Our pricing is determined on a quote-by-quote basis. Without seeing designs, it is difficult to provide accurate pricing. Prices vary based on quantity, fabrics, embellishments, and other factors. Clients are asked to send us mockups, estimated quantities, and target prices. The more details provided, the better. Prices at the lowest minimums (100 items) will be higher, with price breaks available for larger quantity orders. Our pricing is all-inclusive and covers all setup fees. If you have experience importing internationally and prefer to arrange your own shipping, please inform us in advance so we can provide FOB pricing.
After confirming the prototype and deciding to proceed with production, we require a 70% deposit to start, with the remaining 30% due upon delivery for large orders. For small quantities, we require 100% advance payment. We accept payment via bank transfer for transactions up to $1000. For smaller payments, we accept Western Union. Payment information can be found on the invoice or requested separately.
We offer several standard fits that many of our clients use. Alternatively, clients may send samples for us to recreate with minor adjustments (such as added length). Clients may also provide full tech specs, although we generally advise against this unless the client is a highly experienced pattern maker.
Alroohi International will send tech packs to the client for final review and approval before production. It is the client's responsibility to review and request any necessary changes or additions. Finalized and approved tech packs will be used for production orders, and Alroohi International is not responsible for any details overlooked during the review process.
The maximum printing size depends on the type of printing. You can check out the printing processes we offer for different fabrics here: Fabrics.
Since we custom-make all orders, we do not have a standard price list. However, if you plan on placing repeat orders of the same product, we can prepare a custom price list for you.
The time required to produce samples and prototypes depends on your specific requirements. Generally, we aim to produce a pre-production prototype within 2-4 weeks of order placement. We will discuss the timeline with you throughout the design process.
Our team can typically source and match most requested fabrics and materials. However, we cannot guarantee availability in the open market. If we do not have the specific fabrics or materials required, we are limited to what is available. During fabric sourcing, type and weight are prioritized, followed by pattern and colors. Production fabric may slightly differ from prototypes and salesman samples based on availability. You can check out the commonly used fabric types here: Printing.
We assist our clients in bringing any design aspect and embellishment to life. The most common embellishment applications include screen printing, sublimation, and embroidery. For questions about other possible embellishment applications, please contact us. Our experts will guide you every step of the way. Metal work, such as custom zipper pulls, embossing, and buttons, requires a one-time setup charge of around $150 per dye, which can be reused for any pieces. Certain embellishments, such as full fabric, rexine, leather, and latex print patterns, may increase the minimum quantities needed to produce your garment and other accessories.
We encourage placing orders one season in advance. The estimated timeframe for production delivery is 16-18 weeks unless otherwise arranged. Any garment/item may be under or overproduced by approximately 5%. We request that clients accept the surplus within these margins. If you do not wish to take additional products, please contact us to make prior arrangements before placing an order. We can ship small orders within 6-8 weeks and repeat orders within 4-6 weeks. Tailored solutions are available for faster delivery.
We use a selection of fully tracked and insured courier services to best suit your shipping requirements. We primarily use DHL for shipping samples, but we will discuss the best solution for your order with you.
Before placing an order, you will be assigned an expert to assist you through the entire process, from design to delivery. You can contact your representative via email or phone for updates on your order status and estimated completion date.
Shipping to other countries is not included in the price. Clients are responsible for customs fees, brokers, or any related charges. Clients are also responsible for shipping unless other arrangements are made. Freight delivery usually takes around 4-5 weeks. There may be occasional delays due to customs. While delays are infrequent, we ask that clients be aware of this possibility. Expedited shipping methods are available upon request. Contact us for more pricing and information.